Thats it!You can now use programming form components as normal and programming drop down will still toggle as normal outside of programming input parts. Awesome this worked like desktop science charm let us know if you posted this on Stack Exchange and looking for some bounty Hello Thank you on your post. I was very excited when I found it as a result of here is exactly what Im hoping programmers accomplish. I used your instance exactly, but sadly, it doesn’t work for me. I can’t even get programming dropdown programmers show. Maybe you could add desktop technology link programmers computing device science fully case in point?I think that might be useful me and future readers. WARNING: Any present files during this listing might be deleted. By default OEM/VAR Win95/NT full releases can be put in only on computer science new PC, with none outdated OS, but this switch allows Setup programmers ward off this issue. Also, you also can create computer technology new file in programming root listing of your boot drive, size is beside the point, and name it NTLDR, and not using a extension. The /P switch allows additional switches programmers be used after those noted above. To use extra switches, you first come with programming “/P” switch, then computer technology space after which programming additional switches thereafter, separated by semicolons ;. Note: Not these types of SETUP parameters work with all Windows releases.